PPS adalah...

singkatan dari Persekutuan Pemuda (GYS) Sunter. Kami berkumpul bersama untuk melayani Tuhan dan saling membangun dalam iman dan kebenaran yang sesuai dengan Firman Kebenaran Tuhan. Kami belajar dan berusaha untuk menjadi berkat bagi banyak orang melalui doa, kasih dan kegiatan-kegiatan rohani yang kami lakukan bersama.

Blog ini tentang...

kegiatan PPS dan GF (Growing Family) yang telah didokumentasikan sehingga setiap anggota dapat mengakses blog ini untuk mengenang kegiatan-kegiatan yang telah berlangsung. Juga tentang Jadwal PPS, Renungan, Up Coming Events, Lowongan Pelayanan, Lowongan Kerja, dll. Ada kolom Bantu Doa dan Chating Box.

Contact GYS Pemuda Sunter

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Jesus Christ,

You may contact us by:

1. Email: gyspemudasunter@gmail.com

2. Click Friendster 

3. Or send Messages on ShoutMIx (see your right side of this blog)

JBU... :)

Pray for Calista

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Lord Jesus Christ,

Please kindly need your help in Prayer every day for 7 months baby, our little sister Calista. She is the daugther of Sister Elifa from TJC Tangerang, Indonesia. Our Lord Jesus Christ is the ONLY WAY OUT for her daugther.

We had opportunity to have a short visit to Sis. Elifa's house on Sunday, November 2, 2008. And we got permission to take picture of Calista so we can share our little sister condition to brothers and sisters in Lord Jesus Christ.

Calista is suffering kind of Tumor on her head and each time getting bigger. Due to less economic condition, she only had limited treatment. And doctors have given up.

Bros and sis in Lord Jesus Christ, please pray for Calista! May Lord Jesus help Calista and give strong faith for Sis. Elifa and family.

In Comment Box below, you may say your hope and prayer as support for Calista.